Final Fantasy

General information on the phenomenon that is Final Fantasy.

Final Fantasy VII
Party Members
Ultimate Weapons
Essential Materia
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Final Fantasy VIII
Omega Weapon
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Al Bhed Translator
Hidden Aeons
Celestial Weapons
Monster Area
Dark Aeons

Final Fantasy X

Al Bhed Translator | Areas | Blitzball | Tips | Hidden Aeons | Celestial Weapons | Monster Arena | Dark Aeons | Soundtrack Review

Al Bhed Translator
NEW!!! A handy offline app made by me, for you, for free. Translate from English to Al Bhed and Al Bhed to English with an easy to use interface. Download it here. 229kb
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Zanarkand is a very old city but a very up to date one. Biggest city built, largly populated settlement, everything made of machina, perfect home. Home to the Zanarkand Abes Blitzball team.
Besaid Island
Besaid is a calm retreat for everyone who wishes to have calm. Machina ruins can be found scattered around the island. Home to lady summoner Yuna and guardian Wakka. The Temple of Yevon-Besaid can be found at the rear of Besaid Village. Blitzball is represented by the Besaid Aurochs.
Most of Kilika is forested over. The main settlement is port-side. Temple of Yevon-Kilika is deep in the forest. High Summoner Ohalland once resided and trained in Kilika. Blitzball: Kilika Beasts.
Luca is the capital for Blitzball all over Spira. Luca has the only Blitzball stadium, many docks, and a theater. A thouroughfare for the Mi'ihen Highroad. The Luca Goers rule the blitzball league and slaughter anyone woh enters the Yevon Cup.
Mi'ihen Highroad
Is the place where Lord Mi'ihen decided to start the Sin resistance known as the Crusaders. Travellers must pass along here to get to the Djose Highroad. You may hire a Chocobo if you aren't up for a sprint.
Mushroom Rock
Mushroom Rock Road is nothing spectacular except for the shrubbery. Almost all travelers use it as a means of getting to the Moonflow. The Crusaders have set up camp here for reasons unknown...
Djose Highroad
If you don't mind a few battles, the Djose Highroad is a perfect shoreside walk/run. At the end of here you will find a fork leading to the Moonflow and Temple of Yevon-Djose.
The Moonflow is a great lake that glows with the light of attracted pyreflies. It can be crossed by means of Shoopuf.
Home to the 'very to themselves' Guado race. Their leader Seymour is half Guado half Human and is the newly crown High Maester of Yevon. Guado Glories have a chance at the Yevon Cup this year, right?
Thunder Plateau
The Thunder Plains is a great area covered in fog, drenched in permanent storm, and scatterted with lightning towers. Run from tower to tower to avoid the bolts.
Macalania's forests and lake both provide great scenery and both block the only route to the Temple of Yevon-Macalania.
Bevelle. Centre of all Yevonite activity in Spira. Many temples cover the all important Temple of Yevon-Bevelle. Things aren't what they seem in Bevelle at the moment.
Calm Lands
The Calm Lands is a massive open area of grassland. Many battles with Sin have ended here. Hence the name Calm Lands.
Cave of the Stolen Fayth
A fayth was stolen from Bevelle and brought here by a rebel to Yevon. I guess this would be called Temple of Yevon-Gagazet.
Mount Gagazet
Spiritual home to the Ronso tribe. The Ronso Fangs are located at Dock 4 in Luca, a spiritual home has no room for Blitzball.
Ruins. The Yevon Dome is where the final Cloister of Trials is held, and the final aeon. Not a good tourist spot due to walking unsent. 'Nuff said.
Temple of Spira-Baaj
The Baaj Temple is submerged and guarded by Geosgaeno. A fayth not of Yevon waits here.
Temple of Yevon-Remiem
The Remiem temple is home to a fayth and now, fellow lady summoner Belgemine. Accessable by Chocobo from the Calm Lands for the bridge connecting Remiem and the Calm Lands have been vandalised. I never knew the Temples of Yevon were rented out for lodgers...
Omega Ruins
When ex-Maester of Yevon ,Omega, found out the truth, he decided to go into solitary confinement. Over the years of hatred and anger towards Yevon, he is no longer human. Omega has became a fiend. Omega Weapon is tough without Break Damage Limit, Anima, and the Magus Sisters. He is guarded by his own shadow, you guessed it, Ultima Weapon. Ultima is easy. Infact, you've already beaten him.

My recommended Besaid Aurochs team (levels 1-35):
GL: Jumal: Luca courtyard on bench with daughter.
LD: Ropp: Al Bhed born defender working as a clerk for the Rin Agency on the Mi'ihen Highroad.
RD: Lakkam: Al Bhed born, full time Blitzball player for the Al Bhed Psyches. Unfortunately you can only hire this player after her contract runs our and the Psyches don't re-hire her. Many people have different preferences to which player they use for this one. I used Jassu before finding this one.
MF: Zev Ronso: Ronso Fangs dock.
LF: Tidus: You are him, silly.
RF: Wedge: Right-hand guard outside Luca stadium.

My recommended Besaid Aurochs team (levels 35-60):
GL: Nimrook: Standing in hold with other Al Bhed players in airship.
LD: Ropp: Al Bhed born defender working as a clerk for the Rin Agency on the Mi'ihen Highroad.
RD: Wedge: Right-hand guard outside Luca stadium.
MF: Brother: Piloting airship. If not free, use Zev Ronso: Ronso Fangs docking area.
LF: Tidus: You are him, silly.
RF: Eigaar: Standing in hold with other Al Bhed players in airship. Linna: Macalania Temple, Ice Path. Vilucha: Besaid Village, House.

My recommended Besaid Aurochs team (levels 60-90):
GL: Nimrook: Standing in hold with other Al Bhed players in airship.
LD: Ropp: Al Bhed born defender working as a clerk for the Rin Agency on the Mi'ihen Highroad.
RD: Wedge: Right-hand guard outside Luca stadium.
MF: Vuroja: Kilika Port, Docks. Kiyuri: S.S. Winno, Deck. Mifurey: Thunder Plains, Travel Agency.
LF: Tidus: You are him, silly.
RF: Linna: Macalania Temple, Ice Path. Vilucha: Besaid Village, House. Shammi: Luca Harbour, Bridge.

My recommended Besaid Aurochs team (levels 60-90):
GL: Nimrook: Standing in hold with other Al Bhed players in airship. Wedge: Right-hand guard outside Luca stadium.
LD: Ropp: Al Bhed born defender working as a clerk for the Rin Agency on the Mi'ihen Highroad. Wedge: Right-hand guard outside Luca stadium. Kiyuri: S.S. Winno, Deck.
RD: Kulukan: Lady behind counter in the Tavern at Kilika Port. Zev Ronso: Ronso Fangs docking area.
MF: Vuroja: Kilika Port, Docks. Mifurey: Thunder Plains, Travel Agency. Svanda: Calm Lands.
LF: Tidus: You are him, silly.
RF: Vilucha: Besaid Village, House. Shaami: Luca Harbour, Bridge. Linna: Macalania Temple, Ice Path. Isken: Kilika Port, House.

Activation Spheres
Gaining S.Lvls quickly
Defeating the Dark Aeons the easy way

Activation Spheres
These spheres you can get from battles, treasure chests, or Belgemine. Power, Speed, Mana, Ability, and Fortune are all Activation Spheres. These - as you should already know - activate nodes on the Sphere Grid. Getting lots of these can be tedious and boring. An easy way of getting these is to:
Go to the Monster Arena
Choose "Area Creations"
Select Kottos
Use Power Distiller or Extract Power for FFXi
Overkill Kottos
At the end of the battle you should get 40 Power Spheres. Note, this works with Mana, Ability, and Speed Spheres. Unfortunatly not Fortune Spheres.

Gaining S.Lvls quickly
Go to the Monster Arena and fight One-Eye until he gives up weapons for your character that look like:

Triple AP

Customise these to look like:
Triple AP
Triple Overdrive

This will require 10 "Door to Tomorrow" and 30 "Winning Formula" for each weapon customised. The character that wants to be leveled up needs to know the Overdrive mode "Comrade". In this example we will use Wakka to be levelled up where Tidus and Auron are the 'helpers'. The 'helpers' you always be the characters that have killed the most monsters. It is helpful to have "Quick Hit" on the 'helpers'. The leveller should know Auto-Life, Hastaga, and Life. It is very helpful for the leveller to have Auto-Phoenix on his/her armour. It is even more important if all characters have Auto-Haste on armour. You'll get a lot more hits in like this. If you have Auto-Phoenix, buy 99 Phoenix Downs. Are we ready? Good.
1. Go to the Cave of the Stolen Fayth and "Capture" 1 of every monster. HINT: Tonberry are found mostly in the 'green' circular room with the stones surrounding you.
2. Equip Wakka with Blowout, Tidus with Ragnarok, and Auron with Murumasa.
3. Change Wakka's Overdrive mode to Comrade, and the others to Stoic.
4. Go to the Monster Arena. Choose Fight Monster, Area Creations, Don Tonberry.
5. On the leveller's first turn, Cast Haste on himself.
6. Have Tidus and Auron use Quick hit on Don Tonberry. When you hit him, you will be counter-attacked with Karma. Karma magnifies the number of monsters you've killed a few thousand times and translates it into damage done to you.
7. When the helpers die, have the leveller use Life and Hastaga. Don't attack with the leveller!
8. When Don Tonberry moves for the 3rd time, use Flee. When he uses Chef's Knife, you'll know he's close enough for you to run.

After all this trouble you should end the battle with some serious AP. If your helpers got counterattacked with Karma for 99,999 damage and you use Haste and Quick Hit throughout Don Tonberry's 3 moves, you should reach S.lvl 99 instantly. I've gotten 10,000,000~AP in one bout for both helpers before. Naturally the helpers will get more AP if alive at the end of the battle.

Defeating the Dark Aeons the easy way
Those of you who want to get on with your FFXi and PAL games and don't want to face the Dark Aeons without training for 50 hours, there's hope. All you need is money and Yojimbo. Lets do it in steps:
1. Obtain Yojimbo.
2. Get Yojimbo on Overdrive. Be careful, as soon as he reaches Overdrive, dismiss him immediately. Alternatively, get Yuna on Overdrive.
3. Format your party so that your 3 fastest characters are at the helm. If you have a First Strike character (Auron's Masamune) put them in there. Don't put Yuna in the party even though she maybe the fastest character you have.
4. Find a Dark Aeon. Why not use my list? : p
5. Enter the battle. The first character who gets a turn must switch with Yuna.
6. Summon (or Grand Summon, whoever is on Overdrive, Yojimbo or Yuna.) Yojimbo.
7. If you have more than 20,000Gil, pay him 10% of whatever you have. If you have less than 20,000Gil pay him it all.* I've once payed 6,000Gil and 200,000Gil. You are wanting Yojimbo to use Zanmato. It sometimes crops up as a pre-emptive or a counterattack. Zanmato is instant death to all enemies. The only type of enemy I haven't seen this work against is a story boss i.e. Seymour Omnis. I believe this because I haven't tried it yet. If you aren't successful in getting Zanmato, restart and try again. I've tried 6 times before getting it once.
If you are successful, the Dark Aeon will be sliced in half and the battle will end.
* = I now know the formulae for Zanmato. Thanks to an FAQ at GameFAQs.

Hidden Aeons
Go to the Cave of the Stolen Fayth in the valley near the bridges that connect the Calm Lands with Mt. Gagazet. Make your way through the tunnel until you reach the Chamber of the Fayth. Enter (Are guardians allowed in the chamber? Guess no ones cares now.) Yojimbo will ask for 250,000Gil for his services. You don't have to pay THAT much. Half his offer (125,000Gil). Keep halfing his offer till he asks for 195,000Gil, you can't go lower than this. Pay him and he's yours. NOTE: Be very careful FFXi and PAL! Don't walk too far south when leaving the Chamber of the Fayth
Anima is the Aeon who lives in the Baaj Temple. He is the best Aeon in my opinion. The way to get him is too collect all 6 Destruction Sphere treasures from the other Temples of Yevon around Spira. Now, I know you didn't get them all (unless you started the game with a walkthrough). No worries, once you have been to see Maester Mika at Highbridge when you have the airship, you can return to all the temples unbothered** by the priests. Once you know you're looking for the Destruction Spheres it is easier for you to concentrate on them. NOTE: You still have to complete the Cloister of Trials even if you've done it before. NOTE: FFXi and PAL users, look who waits for you at Temple of Yevon-Macalania. Once you've got all 6 treasures, go to the airship and enter these coordinates into the ships console: X-coords 11-16 and Y coords 57-63. This will add Baaj Temple to your Destination List. Go here. Enter the water by walking to the edge of the platform. Are Rikku, Wakka, and Tidus good enough to fight a boss? If so, continue in the water. A few meters later, you'll fight Geosgaeno. Enter the temple. Walk up to each of the 6 statues. After walking past them all, the glyph barrier will dissapear. If it doesn't, you've missed a treasure somewhere. Sorry mate, gotta go back and check the temples. An easy way of keeping track of the treasures you've 100% got is to simply write it down. Worked for me, bring back the pen and paper! The rest is plain sailing.
** = Unless you're running FFXi or PAL.
The Magus Sisters
Firstly, get all Aeons including the hidden ones shown here. Capture 1 of every monster in Mt. Gagazet. Uh, the ones you're missing are in the water, okay? Return to the Monster Arena. The Trainer will give you the Blossom Crown for your efforts. Hire a Chocobo from the trainer in front of the Al-Bhed shop in the Calm Lands and head towards the ENTRACE to the Calm Lands (exit of Macalania Forest). Do not leave but continue right until see a broken bridge. Look around on the floor for a yellow feather, press X on it. Enter Remiem. Cross the bridge and enter the Temple. Talk to Belgemine. She will ask you to fight all her Aeons. She will have the exact Aeons you do. After you fight her Bahamut, Belgemine will give you the Flower Scepter. Walk up to the guard Chamber of the Fayth and use both the Flower Scpeter and the Blossom Crown to release the lock. Walk in, get the Sisters. Why not battle Belgemine's Magus Sisters for an extra sequence before we leave, eh? By also beating the Belgemine's Magus Sisters, you receive Moon Sigil.

Monster Arena
Area Conquest
Species Conquest

I started facing these monster from whence I completed the Sphere Grid. You shouldn't have any problems with these monsters. If you don't have the Celestial Weapons, well, you can try. Standard tactics: Hastega, Shell, Protect, Slow, Auto-Life.
Area Conquest

HP: 320,000 [10,000]
AP: 8,000 [8,000]
Stats: Strength 73, Defence 41, Magic 32, Magic Defence 82, Speed 32, Evade 5%
Elemental Immunities: N/A
Drops: Normal: 2[4] Amulet, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Stratavis is really easy. With 320,000 HP he should be a push over even to those without Celestials. If you can hit for 99,999 damage he'll be dead in 4 hits. Wakka is a help here. Yojimbo will sort him out good while evading most of Stratavis' attacks.
Prize for unlocking: Stamina Tonic x99
Malboro Menace
HP: 640,000 [12,000]
AP: 8,000 [8,000]
Stats: Strength 60, Defence 24, Magic 53, Magic Defence 63, Speed 34, Evade 0%
Elemental Immunities: Fire 1.5x, Water Absorb.
Drops: Normal: 2[4] Mana Tonic, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: With twice the HP of the last creation this battle will last twice as long. Auto-Med is helpful but Ribbon is even more helpful. Hastega is needed with all the creations after Stratavis. Seven hits at 99,999 will slaughter the fool.
Prize for unlocking: Poison Fang x99
HP: 440,000 [15,000]
AP: 8,000 [8,000]
Stats: Strength 88, Defence 60, Magic 12, Magic Defence 1, Speed 36, Evade 0%
Elemental Immunities: N/A
Drops: Normal: 20[40] Healing Spring, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: This guy starts off in his "Dukes up" mode which couters all physical attacks. Take a look at Kottos' Mag Defence! Ultima this guy til he hits the ground. Protect will half the damage he does if you want to physically kill him.
Prize for unlocking: Poison Fang x99
HP: 380,000 [10,000]
AP: 8,000 [8,000]
Stats: Strength 1, Defence 40, Magic 70, Magic Defence 40, Speed 75, Evade 0%
Elemental Immunities: N/A
Drops: Normal: 3[6] Shining Gem, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: Easy peasy. Not much HP, not much difficulty. Just wear Beserkproof and Confuseproof armour, and attack physically.
Prize for unlocking: Candle of Life x99
HP: 520,000 [10,000]
AP: 8,000 [8,000]
Stats: Strength 77, Defence 33, Magic 80, Magic Defence 186, Speed 53, Evade 6%
Elemental Immunities: N/A
Drops: Normal: 2[4] Supreme Gem, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: Basilisk look-a-likey petrifies you every chance it can get. Wear Stoneproof armour, cast Slow, Hastega, Shell. Batter it!
Prize for unlocking: Petrify Grenade x99
Cactuar King
HP:100,000 [10,000]
AP: 8,000 [8,000]
Stats: Strength 255, Defence 100, Magic 255, Magic Defence 255, Speed 80, Evade 240%
Elemental Immunities: Null All
Drops: Normal: 3[6] Blessed Gem, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: It has a high Speed and an even higher Evade. Wakka is a must in this battle as he has naturally the highest Accuracy. Use Aim tonnes of times as it'll increase your party's Accuracy by a certain percent (not sure how much) each time. If you can hit for 99,999 in a normal attack, two hits will kill it. If not, use Bitz Ace or Attack Reels.
Prize for unlocking: Chocobo Wing x99
HP: 280,000 [15,000]
AP: 8,000 [8,000]
Stats: Strength 44, Defence 100, Magic 31, Magic Defence 160, Speed 51, Evade 12%
Elemental Immunities: N/A
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Rename Card, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: 100% weakness to Full Break and all four Breaks, 50% weakness to Slow status, and low HP. Watch out for it's instant death counter attack. It doesn't work on Aeons though. Abuse Passado if you're having trouble.
Prize for unlocking: Shining Gem x99
Abyss Worm
HP: 480,000 [12,000]
AP: 8,000 [8,000]
Stats: Strength 60, Defence 24, Magic 93, Magic Defence 61, Speed 22, Evade 0%
Elemental Immunities: N/A
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Stamina Tonic, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: This fat ol' worm is very easy. You'll get loads of turns in before he has a chance to strike. Doublecasting Flare or Ultima and having the other two physically attack will quick kill it.
Prize for unlocking: Shadow Gem x99
HP: 120,000 [10,000]
AP: 8,000 [8,000]
Stats: Strength 66, Defence 10, Magic 68, Magic Defence 10, Speed 29, Evade 0%
Elemental Immunities: Null Fire, Water, Lightning, Ice. N/A Holy.
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Return Sphere, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: The easiest of the Area Creations. Doublecasting Ultima and Flare will make short work of it. While doing this use physicals. Simple.
Prize for unlocking: Farplane Wind x99
Don Tonberry
HP: 480,000 [10,000]
AP: 8,000 [8,000]
Stats: Strength 95, Defence 100, Magic 75, Magic Defence 100, Speed 37, Evade 6%
Elemental Immunities: N/A
Drops: Normal: 3[6] Farplane Wind, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: Don't use Aeons unless on Overdrive or over 9,999 HP. Defend for three turns till it reaches you, then attack it. If you attack it from far away it will use a Karma with 10x the power. Auto-Life and Auto-Phoenix are helpful with Hastega.
Prize for unlocking: Silver Hourglass x40
HP: 550,000 [10,000]
AP: 8,000 [8,000]
Stats: Strength 76, Defence 33, Magic 58, Magic Defence 27, Speed 47, Evade 0%
Elemental Immunities: N/A
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Three Stars, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: Just a more powerful Behemoth. This one casts Ultima when it dies so shield with an Aeon/cast Shell/or use Full Break because he has a 50% weakness to them.
Prize for unlocking: Blossom Crown
HP: 380,000 [10,000]
AP: 10,000 [8,000]
Stats: Strength 40, Defence 180, Magic 95, Magic Defence 160, Speed 120, Evade 0%
Elemental Immunities: NullAll
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Mana Tablet, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: It starts by using Haste. You should do this too. Do not use any elemental spells. Infact, do not use any spells, too weak. Use Quick Hit for those precious extra turns. It uses Pharoah's Curse as used by the Demonolith. Have Ribbon or Auto-Med to stop this.
Prize for unlocking: Lunar Curtain x99
HP: 630,000 [10,000]
AP: 8,000 [8,000]
Stats: Strength 95, Defence 100, Magic 75, Magic Defence 100, Speed 33, Evade 0%
Elemental Immunities: N/A
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Friend Sphere, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: Vorban is a bigger, better Barbatos. His counter-attack is random, he's immune to Armour Break, and unless you have Break Damage Limit, this will be a long fight. To rid him of the armour, use a 'Great' Banishing Blade. The tactics are the same as the other enemies: Hastega, Protect, Shell, Aeon Overdrives.
Prize for unlocking: Designer Wallet x60

Species Conquest
These are a lot more tougher than the Area Conquest. You've been warned. Celestial Weapons are now a definate must!

HP: 850,000 [99,999]
AP: 10,000 [10,000]
Stats: Strength 73, Defence 40, Magic 12, Magic Defence 165, Speed 200, Evade 60%
Elemental Immunities: Half All
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Agility Sphere, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: Fenrir has two fatal attacks, Fangs of Hell which is instant KO to party members (not Aeons), and Fangs of Chaos which is around 15,000 to Aeons and party members. He is definately the fastest of the Monster Area bosses. Having a high speed boosts the evade rate, naturally. Hastega might not help you much unless you have the highest speed you can get without modifiying the Sphere Grid. He isn't too tough, not really. The Magus Sisters are my favourites to beat Fenrir. Mindy's Special Attack "Passado" is practically death for this fool. If you aren't too strong yet, get Anima on Overdrive and use Oblivion.
Prize for unlocking: Chocobo Feather x99
HP: 800,000 [99,999]
AP: 10,000 [10,000]
Stats: Strength 83, Defence 55, Magic 30, Magic Defence 170, Speed 130, Evade 80%
Elemental Immunities: Fire Absorb, Thunder/Holy/Ice N/A, Water Null
Drops: Normal: 2[4] Gambler's Spirit, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: Some consider this an easy fight. It is if you've done the Grid. Poisonproof helps protect against his poisen/damage attack. Hastega will work wonders in this battle, use it. Passado again will be your best friend.
Prize for unlocking: Stamina Spring x99
HP: 100,000 [99,999]
AP: 10,000 [10,000]
Stats: Strength 90, Defence 100, Magic 5, Magic Defence 100, Speed 60, Evade 60%
Elemental Immunities: N/A
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Evasion Sphere, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: Pteryx has a curse attack. Get Wakka out. Two hits dead. Done.
Prize for unlocking: Mega Phoenix x99
HP: 620,000 [50,000]
AP: 10,000 [10,000]
Stats: Strength 63, Defence 70, Magic 88, Magic Defence 95, Speed 102, Evade 17%
Elemental Immunities: N/A
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Accuracy Sphere, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: Wakka's gonna be a busy boy with all these high Evade rate enemies. Quite a tough battle actually. It's normal attack induces Sleep, Silence, Blind, Death. Hornet has two other deadly attacks which are a poison inducer and instant Death. All of these attacks are one target only.
Prize for unlocking: Mana Tonic x60
HP: 95,000 [10,000]
AP: 10,000 [10,000]
Stats: Strength 12, Defence 230, Magic 77, Magic Defence 230, Speed 33, Evade 80%
Elemental Immunities: N/A (Null All in battle)
Drops: Normal: 1[2] MP Sphere, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: Don't use elemental magic because it'll do nowt. Vidatu is also in constant Regen. If you've done the Sphere Grid and you've got a Break Damage Limit (by using Dark Matter) weapon with +30% to Strength you'll strike Vidatu down in one hit.
Prize for unlocking: Mana Spring x99
HP: 150,000 [15,000]
AP: 10,000 [10,000]
Stats: Strength 55, Defence 58, Magic 77, Magic Defence 183, Speed 38, Evade 10%
Elemental Immunities: Null All
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Magic Defence Sphere, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: Have a First Strike weapon because One-Eye has a chance to get an Ambush on you and will use Shockwave which does every status ailment to all party members. On your First Strike use Delay Buster to set him back a few turns. With only 150k HP you can kill him in two if you've trained.
Prize for unlocking: Stamina Tablet x60
Jumbo Flan
HP: 1,300,000 [99,999]
AP: 10,000 [10,000]
Stats: Strength 3, Defence 255, Magic 98, Magic Defence 80, Speed 60, Evade 0%
Elemental Immunities: N/A
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Magic Sphere, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: Jumbo Flan is constanly in Relfect and is immune to all physical attacks. I use the Anima technique rather than the doublecasting Ultima. If you want to aim for an Overkill, use Anima, if you want to end it quickly, use the Doublecasted Ultima technique.
Ultima: Cast Reflect on yourself. Cast Slow on the Relflectee. Doublecast Ultima. Copycat with the other two characters.
Anima: Summon Anima. Cast Haste, Shell, Reflect, Slow on Anima. Use Pain. If you find time, cast Regen on Jumbo Flan (to reflect on to you.) Do NOT use Oblivion!
Prize for unlocking: Twin Stars x60
Nega Elemental
HP: 1,300,000 [15,000]
AP: 10,000 [10,000]
Stats: Strength 0, Defence 140, Magic 80, Magic Defence 62, Speed 44, Evade 0%
Elemental Immunities: Absorb All
Drops: Normal: 2[2] Twin Stars, Rare: 2[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: Nega Elemental aka Tetra Element counterattacks physicals with a powerful Ultima. This includes Overdrives. Use the same techniques as you would Jumbo Flan.
Prize for unlocking: Star Curtain x99
HP: 900,000 [10,000]
AP: 10,000 [10,000]
Stats: Strength 103, Defence 100, Magic 3, Magic Defence 250, Speed 41, Evade 0%
Elemental Immunities: N/A
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Defence Sphere, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: Tanket is an armoured fiend so use Auron's 3rd Overdrive "Banishing Blade". Make sure you do it properly or it won't work. Tanket only uses the 'ram' attack which induces Berserk. If there's one party member left alive you won't get any chance to attack, he'll just repeatedely ram you. Auto-Phoenix won't work if you're in Berserk so preferably Ribbon or Berserkproof on your armour.
Prize for unlocking: Gold Hourglass x99
HP: 1,100,000 [13,000]
AP: 10,000 [10,000]
Stats: Strength 76, Defence 30, Magic 109, Magic Defence 130, Speed 38, Evade 0%
Elemental Immunities: Absorb Fire/Thunder/Ice, N/A Water/Holy
Drops: Normal: 20[40] Light Curtain, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: Use Auron's 3rd Overdrive "Banishing Blade" and use Protect on all party members. Physical attacks should beat this one. Hastega should be used for the extra time to heal after any of Fafnir's attacks. He has a physical maul and an elemental like the other scaled enemies.
Prize for unlocking: Purifying Salt x99
Sleep Sprout
HP: 98,000 [10,000]
AP: 10,000 [10,000]
Stats: Strength 3, Defence 167, Magic 112, Magic Defence 203, Speed 26, Evade 0%
Elemental Immunities: 1.5x Fire, N/A Thunder/Water/Ice/Holy
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Teleport Sphere, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: Do NOT physically attack Sleep Sprout or it will counter with "Goodnight!" which is more deadly than Bad Breath. If you can hit for 99,999 damage, attack it, dead, If you can't, use Aeons as they are immune to all status ailments except Curse.
Prize for unlocking: Healing Spring x99
Bomb King
HP: 48,0000 [10,000]
AP: 10,000 [10,000]
Stats: Strength 73, Defence 200, Magic 71, Magic Defence 200, Speed 46, Evade 0%
Elemental Immunities: Absorb Fire, N/A Thunder/Water/Ice/Holy
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Door To Tomorrow, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: Bomb King swells when he has reached a certain amount of HP. When Bomb King has swelled the fourth time it will counter attack with Ultima if you hit it physically. One strategy is too wear an armour with Magic Counter and Fire Eater, cast Haste on Bomb King, Defend each turn you get. These counterattacks don't make him swell for some reason.
Prize for unlocking: Turbo Ether x60
HP: 1,200,000 [15,000]
AP: 8,000 [8,000]
Stats: Strength 98, Defence 140, Magic 70, Magic Defence 62, Speed 42, Evade 0%
Elemental Immunities: Absorb Fire, N/A Thunder/Water/Ice/Holy
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Strength Sphere, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: Cast Hastega, NulBlaze, then Quick Hit. You could use Auron's 3rd Overdrive "Banishing Blade" to penetrate the armour. Easy battle, just takes a while.
Prize for unlocking: Light Curtain x99
HP: 2,000,000 [99,999]
AP: 10,000 [10,000]
Stats: Strength 100, Defence 220, Magic 0, Magic Defence 180, Speed 65, Evade 0%
Elemental Immunities: Null Fire/Thunder/Water/Ice, N/A Holy.
Drops: Normal: 1[2] HP Sphere, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: 2mil HP?! I only fight this monster when Tidus, Auron, and Wakka are on Overdrive. Also, I highly recommend your Strength be over 200 before you get into this fight. As soon as you get into battle switch to Auron and use 3rd Overdrive "Banishing Blade". Then have Tidus use 4th Overdrive "Blitz Ace". You will be counterattacked with Reppegeki whenever you attack Ironclad which does a low Accuracy hit on one target. Have Wakka excecute 2nd Overdrive Attack Reels. Attack Reels needs to be a perfect roll. If you get only 2 "2-Hit" marks you'll only to 6 hits worth of damage. If you get 3 "2-Hit" marks - which you should aim for - you'll hit Ironclad 12 times which will deal 1,200,000 damage! Once all three Overdrives are done, Ironlcad will be on the floor. However, if you don't have these Overdrives, use the Jumbo Flan "Anima" strategy.
Prize for unlocking: Mana Tablet x60

Original Creations
Stat maxing is a must for these now. These hurt twice as much as the Species Conquest fiends. If I remember correctly, you should have about 30,000HP before altering the Sphere Grid. Which is decent enough. I beat Nemesis with 37,000HP.

Earth Eater

Description: Pallete swapped Chocobo Eater. Remember this guy from the Mi'ihen Highroad. Earth Eater doesn't try to chuck you off a cliff though.
HP: 1,300,000 [99,999]
AP: 50,000 [50,000]
Stats: Strength 117, Defence 200, Magic 186, Magic Defence 210, Speed 47, Evade 0%
Elemental Immunities: N/A
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Fortune Sphere, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: The first of the Original Creations isn't the easiest, not a good start. First of all cast Hastega. A physical attack will trigger a counterattack of Megaton Punch which is damage and Death status on all party members. Once you've got him on his back, he'll only do a counter of Flare (9999 Damage Limit). While he's down, cast Shell on all party members. After this it's pretty simple. Just repeat this. While he's down the other times just heal your party.
Prize for unlocking: Three Stars x60
Greater Sphere AKA Bigger Sphere

Description: Spherimorph look-a-likey.
HP: 1,500,000 [99,999]
AP: 50,000 [50,000]
Stats: Strength 87, Defence 130, Magic 102, Magic Defence 120, Speed 55, Evade 0%
Elemental Immunities: Greater Sphere changes it's elemental immunities by it's colour.
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Luck Sphere, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: If you want to end this quickly, get Tidus and Wakka on Overdrive before you enter the battle. Then use Attack Reels, then Blitz Ace. If you want to fight it normally, you are going to need Auto-Protect. Even when at 255 Defence "Aqua Press" does around 15,000 damage without Protect. I didn't use Auto-Protect and I done it on my second time. This was my 2nd hardest battle of the Original Creations. Using Auto-Protect halves physical damage - and unlike the other Final Fantasy's, it works brilliantly. I totally overlooked Shell and Protect for the whole game, but I still completed it.
Prize for unlocking: Supreme Gem x60

Description: Resembles Sinspawn Geneux and a humoungus Sinspawn Genais.
HP: 2,200,000 [99,999]
AP: 50,000 [50,000]
Stats: Strength 120, Defence 80, Magic 77, Magic Defence 80, Speed 34, Evade 0%
Elemental Immunities: N/A
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Designer Wallet, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: I don't think I should give a strategy on Catastrophe due to me beating it before it came out of it's shell. Here's what I know anyway: Catastrophe opens it's shell on his next turn after inflicting about 500,000 damage on it. It'll do a Confusion/Curse/Poison attack on all party members. After it's shell is open, it does 3 attacks in the same order: Toxic Spray, Demi, Hundred Thorns. Toxic Spray inflicts Full Break on one target. Demi is the normal 1/4 HP reducer Demi. Hundred Thorns is an all target attack which does big damage. Big damage as in 15,000. Protect will half the damage done. Catastrophe has a fair bit of HP which will take a while to wear down. Don't worry, it's very slow.
Prize for unlocking: Door to Tomorrow x99

Description: Sanctuary Keeper's bigger brother.
HP: 3,000,000 [99,999]
AP: 50,000 [50,000]
Stats: Strength 102, Defence 80, Magic 212, Magic Defence 80, Speed 53, Evade 0%
Elemental Immunities: N/A
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Underdog's Secret, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: Myself, I found Th'uban quite easy. Th'uban looks very threatening and that makes you think he is, but he's not. Auto-Haste on everyone is not a must but a real help. I had it on Tidus and he just used Hastega whenver he needed to. Any physical or magical attack makes Th'uban counter attack with a tail swipe which removes any positive status effects like Haste, Auto-Life, and Protect. If you have Auto-Haste or Auto-Protect they'll stay with you. "Rainbow" is a multiple all target attack which causes Curse. There's another attack which always deals 99,999 damage to one target.
Prize for unlocking: Gambler's Spirit x99

Description: Looks like a big slug. No other monster resembles it. Neslug must feel so special.
HP: 4,000,000 [12,000]
AP: 50,000 [50,000]
Stats: Strength 130, Defence 80, Magic 130, Magic Defence 80, Speed 43, Evade 0%
Elemental Immunities: N/A
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Pendulum, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: Loads o' health and this battle will take a while. Get Tidus, Auron and Wakka on Overdrive. Cast Hastega, then use Attack Reels and Blitz Ace. Have Auron use Entrust to Wakka. Use Attack Reels then finish it off with a few Quick Hits. When you've depleated 2,000,000HP it'll draw into it's shell. When in it's shell, Neslug is in Regen and uses Curaga until it's at full health then it'll come out of the shell. When Neslug is in it's shell you should Doublecast Ultima then Copycat. Once you've depleated 3,000,000HP the shell will break, it will use Slime a few times which induces status ailments and a lot of damage.
Prize for unlocking: Winning Formula x99
Ultima Buster

Description: Pallete swapped Sinspawn Gui. Equally scary looking.
HP: 5,000,000 [99,999]
AP: 50,000 [50,000]
Stats: Strength 168, Defence 60, Magic 178, Magic Defence 71, Speed 72, Evade 0%. Head & Arms: Defence 1, Magic Defence 1.
Elemental Immunities: N/A
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Winning Formula, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: The name is threatening, Ultima Buster is not. This battle will take a long time but will be pretty straight foward. Cast Hastega and Auto-Life on all your characters. Whenever someone gets on Overdrive they should Entrust to Wakka and use Attack Reels. While doing this just Quick Hit away. I recommend Warrior Overdrive Mode for all characters. Done.
Prize for unlocking: Dark Matter x99

Description: Evrae Altana, anyone?
HP: 2,000,000 [99,999]
AP: 50,000 [50,000]
Stats: Strength 92, Defence 60, Magic 86, Magic Defence 98, Speed 70, Evade 0%.
Elemental Immunities: N/A
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Wings to Discovery, Rare: 1[2] Dark Matter
Strategy: You can only use Tidus, Wakka, and Rikku due to the battle being submerged. Reason is because it's immitating the Evrae Altana battle. I won this battle with only Tidus and Wakka maxed. I didn't bother with Rikku, I couldn't see her turn on the CTB anywhere! Tidus and Wakka are all you need. Shinryu counters physicals with a clawing attack for about 2000-3000 damage at 255 Defence. His Eraser attack petrifies then shatters one character. Shining does little damage to all targets. If you want to win easily, get Tidus and Wakka on Overdrive before the, use Blitz Ace, Attack Reels then 1 or 2 Quick Hits will kill him.
Prize for unlocking: Megalixir x99
Nemesis AKA Omega Gold (Subete Wo Koeshimono)

Description: A bright and colourful Omega Weapon.
HP: 10,000,000 [99,999]
AP: 50,000 [50,000]
Stats: Strength 255, Defence 150, Magic 255, Magic Defence 150, Speed 200, Evade 0%.
Elemental Immunities: All Absorb
Drops: Normal: 1 [2] Warp Sphere, Rare: 1 [2] Dark Matter
Strategy: Back on dry land for the last boss in the Arena. The hardest one at that. The game claims Nemesis as thr hardest monster in the game, yeah this is true when not including the Dark Aeons. Maybe he Is harder than Dark Anima or the Magus Sisters, I've no first hand experience with the really tough Dark Aeons. Set all characters on Warrior Overdrive mode. The obvious strategy for this would be to get all characters on Overdrive then entrust to Wakka. However, whenever you cast an Overdrive, Nemesis uses an attack with Curse status ailment. Once you use Attack Reels, use Quick Hit until you die, then after you are revived, you are no longer under Curse, continue using Entrust then Attack Reels. All the other characters can just use Quick Hit (while building up their Overdrive guage for Entrusting). Count his turns! On his tenth turn, he will launch a devistating attack called Armegeddon which is basically 99,999 to all characters.
Prize for unlocking: Master Sphere x10

Dark Aeons
Dark Valefor
Dark Ifrit
Dark Ixion
Dark Shiva
Dark Bahamut
Dark Yojimbo
Dark Anima
Dark Magus Sisters

Not all the warrior monks went back to Bevelle. Some still remain around the rest of Spira. The monks that remain are hunting YOU. The warrior monks are equipped with super powerful versions of your Aeons. When I say powerful I mean very very powerful. Stats at 255 anyone? All except Dark Valefor have Break Damage Limit. Dark Aeons are only availiable to battle/get whooped in Final Fantasy X International and PAL***. International is an enhanced version of the original Japanese release. The second release of FFX in Japan was International, and the new European release is based on International, the PAL version doesn't have the option to switch from English to Japanese or "Run from HDD". Neither does PAL have Another Story - the extra DVD feature on FFXi carrying on where FFX left off, rare. I have no idea about the Australasian release, info anyone? Email here. There are Dark versions of Yojimbo, Anima, and Magus Sisters too. Having FFXi is not all happiness - some areas you can't access because of the Dark Aeons blocking it. If you have FFXi I highly recommend reading through this to prevent any mishaps. The text in [ ] is the damage required for an Overkill.
*** = European release
Here is my character setup:
Weapon: Full power Caladbolg
Armour: Break HP Limit, Ribbon, Auto-Phoenix, Auto-Haste
Stats: All max, Luck 255, HP 83,000~
Weapon: Full power Nirvana
Armour: Break HP Limit, Ribbon, Auto-Phoenix, Auto-Haste
Stats: All max, Luck 255, HP 83,000~
Weapon: Full power World Champion
Armour: Break HP Limit, Ribbon, Auto-Phonix, Auto-Haste
Stats: All max, Luck 255, HP 83,000~

Dark Valefor
HP: 800,000
AP: 10,000 [15,000]
Stats: Strength: 148, Defence: 120, Magic: 186, Magic Defence: 220, Agility: 105, Luck: 48, Evasion: 10, Accuracy: 250
Elemental Immunities: All 1/2 damage.
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Dark Matter, Rare: 1[2] Master Sphere
Location: Entrance to Besaid Village. Beat him to access Besaid Village.
As your party approaches the gate to Besaid Village, a male warrior monk steps out in front of you. He does the prayer, "Infidels!", "Prepare to charge!". Dark Valefor appears in the sky then swoops toward the screen.
Strategy: None. Hehe, just Quick Hit. If you're weary, use Attacks Reels.
Dark Ifrit
HP: 1,400,000
AP: 20,000 [30,000]
Stats: Strength: 220, Defence: 173, Magic: 177, Magic Defence: 163, Agility: 124, Luck: 27, Evasion: 8, Accuracy: 230
Elemental Immunities: Absorb Fire, Immune to Lightning and Water, 1/2 Ice damage.
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Dark Matter, Rare: 1[2] Master Sphere
Location: Talk to the 'Al-Bhed' lady near the entrance to Home then walk off the cliff.
The Al-Bhed lady dissapears from screen and re-appears as a male warrior monk. Tidus looks off the cliff, trips over and yelps. Camera pans down to a hiding Dark Ifrit. Dark Ifrit jumps the party.
Strategy: I think I used Blitz Ace once then Quick Hit till he fell. Even with max stats he did a fair amount of damage to me.
Dark Ixion
HP: 1,200,000 (you fight him twice)
AP: 20,000 [30,000]
Stats: Strength: 176, Defence: 220, Magic: 133, Magic Defence: 188, Agility: 180, Luck: 36, Evasion: 0, Accuracy: 250
Elemental Immunities: Absorb Lightning, Immune to Fire and Ice, 1/2 Water damage
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Dark Matter, Rare : 1[2] Master Sphere
Location: Approach the Bevelle guard standing near the lightning spire on Thunder Plains, North. An intermission will start then the fight.
The guard turns to you and shouts "You hethan!" and runs to the south. Your party follows him. Kimahri looks up to a tower, Tidus says "Something up there?". Lightning strikes the tower twice, on the second time, Dark Ixion appears on top of it. The party follows the guard further until he runs past two warrior monks. One a large male, the other a small child. Lightning strikes, and Dark Ixion appears behind the two monks. Battle. After the battle, the male monk gets struck by lightning leaving the child. Approach the child and Dark Ixion and the second battle will ensue.
Strategy: A quick Auto-Life on everyone followed by Quick Hits. During the first battle, when Dark Ixion's overdrive guage becomes full he'll only use Aerospark. Where in the second battle, he'll use Thor's Hammer which is pretty devistating.
Dark Shiva
HP: 1,100,000
AP: 20,000 [30,000]
Stats: Strength: 173, Defence: 163, Magic: 244, Magic Defence: 255, Agility: 255, Luck: 73, Evasion: 0, Accuracy: 250
Elemental Immunities: Absorb Ice, Immune to Lightning and Water, 1/2 Fire damage
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Dark Matter, Rare: 1[2] Master Sphere
Location: Return to Temple of Yevon-Macalania. Guado guards and warrior monks with send Dark Shiva at you. After the battle, loads of Guado guards will come at you one after another. Don't bother fighting them "They just keep coming..." The Guado guards should be Bite Bugs compared to Dark Shiva.
When approaching Yevon-Macalania, a Guado will say "You are a fool to come back here as a traitor. You will find peace in death." Dark Shiva is summoned.
Dark Bahamut (If you feel like a laugh, watch my poor attempt at fighting Dark Bahamut with the stats above. Click here to download. Compressed with Indeo 5.04. 5.9mb)

HP: 4,000,000
AP: 30,000 [40,000]
Stats: Strength: 245, Defence: 234, Magic: 222, Magic Defence: 233, Agility: 255, Luck: 102, Evasion: 0, Accuracy: 250
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Dark Matter, Rare: 1[2] Master Sphere
Location: Return to Lady Yunaleska's 'throne room' and enter the crazy space looking staircase room. If you missed the Sun Crest after the previous battle in this certain area you have to beat Dark Bahamut to get it.
As soon as you enter the room, Dark Bahamut jumps down in front of you and the battle starts.
Dark Yojimbo
HP: 1,600,000 (you fight him 5 times remember... you get to rest between, no saving though)
AP: 8,000 [10,000]
Stats: Strength: 244, Defence: 210, Magic: 131, Magic Defence: 144, Agility: 243, Luck: 114, Evasion: 0, Accuracy: 255
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Dark Matter, Rare: 1[2] Master Sphere
Location: Goto the valley near the Calm Lands, enter the Cave of the Stolen Fayth, beat the Lady summoner, then enter the Chamber of the Fayth, receive Yojimbo, then WALK back to the entrance. Enter Dark Yojimbo.
A male warrior monk appears southerly followed by Dark Yojimbo. Battle.
Dark Anima

HP : 8,000,000
AP: 30,000 [40,000]
Stats: Strength: 155, Defence: 230, Magic: 255, Magic Defence: 255, Agility: 183, Luck: 85, Evasion: 0, Accuracy: 255
Elemental Immunities: Absorb all
Drops: Normal: 1[2] Dark Matter, Rare: 1[2] Master Sphere
Location: Repeat Wakka's Trial of Gagazet then warp back to Mt. Gagazet - Gate. She will be waiting for you there.
Dark Magus Sisters (Take a look at how 'well placed' these girls are in this small movie compressed with Indeo 5.04. Click here to download. 3.2mb.)

Dark Cindy:
HP: 3,000,000
AP: 10,000 [12,000]
Stats: Strength: 175, Defence: 223, Magic: 171, Magic Defence: 105, Agility: 185, Luck: 40, Evasion: 0, Accuracy: 255
Dark Sandy:
HP: 2,500,000
AP: 10000 [12,000]
Stats: Strength: 186, Defence: 201, Magic: 207, Magic Defence: 168, Agility: 201, Luck: 80, Evasion: 100, Accuracy: 255
Dark Mindy:
HP: 2,000,000
AP: 10000 [12,000]
Stats: Strength: 148, Defence: 187, Magic: 248, Magic Defence: 132, Agility: 233, Luck: 130, Evasion: 240, Accuracy 255
Drops: Normal : 1(2) Dark Matter per kill, Rare: 1(2) Master Sphere per kill
Location: Approach the two female warrior monks near the entrace to the Crusader campsite on Mushroom Rock.
The two summoners look at you, camera pans up to the hilltop to see the Dark Magus Sisters. The sisters jump down to you, then combat.
Penance (Picture 1: 1024x768. Picture 2: 1024x768)

HP: 10,000,000
AP: ??? [???]
Stats: ???
Drops: Normal: Arms: Dark Matter 1(2), Rare ??? Body: ???, Rare ???
Location: After defeating the last Dark Aeon, three globule lights travel to the crack in the Calm Lands. The three lights dive into the gash. A few moments later a column of light arrises from the gap. Encased in the light is Penance, a celestial Yojimbo (See picture)... Appears as a destination under the airship's List command. The airship flies toward the Calm Lands, Penance floats toward the side of the ship emitting a green aura that partially blocks Spira's sun's rays. All characters make their way to the deck of the airship where Penance awaits. The camera zooms to Tidus' awe struck face. Battle.

Celestial Weapons
Tidus: Caladbolg
Yuna: Nirvana
Auron: Masamune
Wakka: World Champion
Lulu: Onion Knight
Rikku: Godhand
Kimahri: Spirit Lance

Celestial Weapons are basically Ultimate Weapons but more effort is needed to get them. Each character has one. They can't be sold or customised. When you first get the weapons, they all stand as:

Each weapon has a Crest and a Sigil. The Crest is the easiest the find, the Sigil is won in certain quests or mini games. When a weapon is at half power by equipping a Crest the all weapons look like:
Double Overdrive
They are still very poor weapons. They are only really useful when the Sigil is equipped:
Caladbolg: Use the Celestial Mirror on the glyph at the rear of the Calm Lands. Race (Don't have to win) the chocobo trainer to move the guard.
Sun Crest: Found in a chest in the back of Lady Yunalesca's sanctuary.
Sun Sigil: Aquirred by racing the Chocobo trainer in the Calm Lands near the Al-Bhed shop. Get a perfect 0:0.0 score by collecting as many balloons and avoiding as many birds as you can. Not as hard as many people say. I did it on my 3rd go.
Aeon: No Aeon enhancements.
Full power Caladbolg:
Break Damage Limit
Triple Overdrive
Evade & Magic Counter

Nirvana: Catch all the monsters in the Calm Lands, talk to the Monster Trainer, then use the Celestial Mirror on the chest. Not HER chest you sick freaks!
Moon Crest: Swim to the left of the entrance to Besaid Island dock to a small shore with a chest containing the item.
Moon Sigil: Get all Aeons including Yojimbo, Anima, and the Magus Sisters. Then battle Belgemine's aeons in the Temple of Yevon-Remiem accessed by taking a chocobo to the right of the entrance of the Calm Lands - Macalania Woods and press X on the yellow feather near the bridge.
Aeon: Valefor - Break Damage Limit.
Full power Nirvana:
Break Damage Limit
Triple Overdrive
Double AP
One MP Cost

Masamune: Take the Rusty Sword from the right pathway in the valley near the Calm Lands - Mt. Gagazet. Take the Rusty Sword to the Lord Mi'ihen statue on Mushroom Rock Road - FFXi players: Try to avoid the two female summoners facing eachother - then touch the glyph with the Celestial Mirror.
Mars Crest: Found in a chest in Mi'ihen Highroad, Old Road South. Easy.
Mars Sigil: Capture 10 fiends of 10 different species in 10 different areas.
Aeon: Yojimbo - Break Damage Limit.
Full power Masamune:
Break Damage Limit
Triple Overdrive
First Strike

World Champion: After winning 5-10 games of Blitzball, go to the cafe in Luca and show the landlady the Celestial Mirror to receive the antique Blitzball handed down from Lord Ohalland.
Jupiter Crest: Found in the Besaid Auroch's dressing room in Luca Stadium.
Jupiter Sigil: Win Blitzball leagues until you get Attack Reels and Status Reels, then enter Tournaments until you get Auroch Reels. Then after winning 50 games of Blitzball, enter a league with the 1st place prize is Jupiter Sigil. TIP: When you finish a league just before hitting the 50 games mark, save your game then reset your console if the 1st place prize is not Jupiter Sigil. Remember, you've got to have all 4 of Wakka's Overdrives.
Aeon: Ifrit - Break Damage Limit.
Full power World Champion:
Break Damage Limit
Triple Overdrive
Double AP
Avoid Counter

Onion Knight: Once in control of the airship, use the Search function and press X over X-coords 11-16 and Y coords 57-63 to add Baaj Temple to your destination List. Baaj Temple is the dark place Tidus goes to early in the game. He meets the big skeleton fish Geosgaeno. Go to Baaj Temple, jump in, defeat Geosgaeno (32,000HP) then search the south east of the circular area for a hidden treasure chest, then use the Celestial Mirror to collect Onion Knight.
Venus Crest: Go back to the Farplane and open the chest to the left.
Venus Sigil: Dodge 200 consecutive lightning bolts on the Thunder Plains. I managed 60. You CAN'T:
Leave the area
Reset the console
Visit Rin Agency
Switch from North to South Thunder Plains or vice versa.
Aeon: Shiva - Break Damage Limit.
Full power Onion Knight:
Break Damage Limit
Triple Overdrive
Magic Booster
One MP Cost

Godhand: Once you have the airship, Input the word GODHAND (case sensitive) to reveal Mushroom Rock in your destination List. Go there, use the Celestial Mirror on the chest.
Mercury Crest: Found in a chest in the northwest corner of the fourth section of the Sanubia desert.
Mercury Sigil: Challenge all 10 of the Cactuars in the deserts of Bikanel.
Aeon: No aeon enhancements.
Full power Godhand:
Break Damage Limit
Triple Overdrive
Double AP

Sprit Lance: Activate 3 'steaming' Qactuar stones on the Thunder Plains then follow the Cactuar Ghost to the south to a broken lightning tower, press Square to send a bolt of lightening through it. The 'steaming' Qactuar stones change after every battle. Use 'No Encounters' to do this easy.
Saturn Crest: After the battle with Seymour Flux, go to the next area and check behind a pillar for a chest containing it.
Saturn Sigil: Complete the butterfly catching quest by catching 7 blue butterflies within the time limit. Avoid reds.
Aeon: Ixion - Break Damage Limit.
Full power Spirit Lance:
Break Damage Limit
Triple Overdrive
Double AP
Avoid Counter

MIDI format only, don't want to breech any copyright laws now, do we? I recommend a decent soundcard like Roland or Yamaha's new cards or a decent Creative Labs card with SoundFont support. Of course, you need a good SoundFont. Also you could make your own by downloading Vienna SoundFont Studio free from Emu. The easiest way to make your own GM/GS compliant SoundFont is to mix other GM compliant instruments to make one massive one. Mine's going on 140~mb.
All MIDI files
Soundtrack Reviews:
Final Fantasy X Original Soundtrack
Disc 1
01 "I Want To Say Everything"
Just a guy saying a few words.
02 To Zanarkand
A good composition and is well suited as the main theme for the game. This tune can be found in some of the other tracks too.
03 The Prelude
A revamped Prelude to what we're used to in the other FFs. This one comes with backing synth and drum beat. I like the original solo piano version much better.
04 Tidus' Theme
This track reminds me of FF7 days. Only good for a bit of nostalgia.
05 Otherworld
I would never expect this to appear in a Final Fantasy game. Uematsu's first attempt at a real rock tune, and a good one at that. Complete with vocals and band this is a very cool tune.
06 Hurry!
Hurry! is a FF regular and returns here. This is the best Hurry! I've ever heard. Simple composition but it captures the moment well.
07 This Is Your Story
You don't hear this tune for no more than 30 seconds but the OST brings it in 2 minutes 20 seconds. Music over MDECs are, IMO, crap.
08 Ominous
Mixed feelings about this one. I like it because it sets the mood of Baaj Temple but I dislike it due to lack of tune. Nice bassline, nothing else.
09 Normal Battle
I don't like this one. The most popular tune in a game has to be good. This isn't. Suprisingly, no bass line!
10 Victory Fanfare
I like it. FF9's fanfare was poor. FF8 had a good drum beat. FF7 had the classic synth. Well done, Nobuo.
11 Game Over
Naturally, I didn't hear this a lot. Good though, reminds me of FF8.
12 Hopeless Desires
I like this a lot. It sets a great mood for the situation and provides a good tune to hum along to and the beat is easy to pick up.
13 Underground Activities
Suspence is a good word for this. Not much else to say except good choice of strings.
14 Underwater Ruins
Only appears once in the game but is very suited to the area. What's all this rumour that Nobuo makes music before knowing the situation?
15 Al-Bhed Tribe's Chi
Nope nope nope. I was expecting vocals to kick in due the high amount of cheese coming from this track.
16 Enemy Attack
Great. One of my favourite tracks in the whole game. Enemy Attack is the Boss Battle of FFX and compressed with added energy.
17 Blitzball Gamblers (Wakka's Theme)
This gets a 3/5 on the cheese scale. Another FMV filler.
18 Besaid Island
A perfect choice to portray Besaid Island musically. Ambient and soft to the ears.
19 The Sight of Spira
This goes on the same lines as Besaid Island. The acoustic guitar never sounded so good.
20 Song of Prayer
You'll be hearing this a lot throughout the game and will play a big part in the storyline. It can get a bit annoying after a while but sets the scene for Yevon's Temples.
21 Illusion
Oooh. A soothing tune by only a few instruments. Good one Nobuo.
22 Place of Ordeals
A bouncy tune which accompanies the Cloister of Trials great.
23 Song of Prayer - Valefor
Song of Prayer. Lone female.
24 Summoned
Music for the title screen and Yuna's first Summon.
25 Daughter of the Great Summoner
I don't remember this one. Review later.
26 Good Night
Patented sleeping track now with added snoreing.

Disc 2
01 Yuna's Theme
Character theme number 3. I don't like any of this games character themes.
02 Sprouting
A superb track which take your mind off battles and Sin.
03 Warping to a different Dimension
Song of Prayer with instruments and drum beat. It maybe an FMV filler but this one's alright.
04 Silence before the Storm
Makes me feel all cold inside. I don't like that in songs.
05 Song of Prayer - Ifrit
Song of Prayer. Lone tenor.
06 Luca
This track may sound cheesy to many people but I do like this one. Synth claps aren't so bad.
07 Welcoming of the Elder Sage Mika
I don't know how to describe this but it's not for me.
08 Inflexible Determination
See Underground Activities.
09 A Splendid Performance!
Ew. Cutscene filler.
10 Confrontation
This is really weird. Strange instruments and only played once.
11 Blitz Off
A rock style theme for Blitzball. I like, I like.
12 Auron's Theme
Character theme. Don't like.
13 Mi'ihen Highroad
See Sprouting. A nice break from battles (So you think.)
14 Brass de Chocobo
Only one Chocobo theme in this game. A good one at that.
15 Travel Company (Rin Agency)
The Inn gets it's own theme today. Nice.
16 Permitted Passage
Sounds alot like that track from FF7. You know the one.
17 Seymour's Theme
With a theme like this you'd automatically think "Evil!"
18 Twilight
Don't remember this one either.
19 Djose Temple
The music that plays outside Temple of Yevon-Djose. I didn't have time to appreaciate this as much as I could but thanks to digital music and GamingForce I was able to download it. It doesn't sound at all like FF. It's worth listenning to just because of the strangeness.
20 Song of Prayer - Ixion
Song of Prayer. Lone bass.
21 Shoopuf Riding
One of my top 5 favourite tracks in the game. Hard to describe what it is but is definitely worth a listen.
22 Rikku's Theme
Sounds like another character theme to me.
23 Guadosalam
If you have any kind of subwoofer this track will make your room shake. Along with some decent instruments, this is a pretty good song. One of my top 5 faves.

Disc 3
01 Thunder Plateau
This music doesn't match the area at all, yet is still a great tune. I believe Square are ripping the piss out of the Venus Sigil quest by playing this...
02 Jecht's Theme
Very western. You don't hear this much in the game and isn't very effective since I can't remember it too well.
03 Macalania Forest
Another soothing cold song. Although, it isn't good to listen to when it's a cold day.
04 The Sea of Mist
I think this is played when the airship is flying. Again, cutscene fillers aren't effective
05 The Temple Band
I don't remember this one.
06 Seymour's Ambition
An eerie villain sub-theme. Effective in saying what it needs to.
07 Song of Prayer - Shiva
Song of Prayer. Lone female.
08 Those Who Come Closer
A very powerful 'powering up' tune. It is played when leaving Temple of Yevon-Macalania, Inside Sin, and an intro to Dark Yojimbo. Another one of my top 5 faves.
09 Scorching Desert
Rememberance of FFVIII. The track itself portrays a warm place. Desert perhaps? Bikanel.
10 Crisis
Ooh yes! The only way this would be better is if it was to follow Those Who Come Closer in game. This is my favourite track in FFX and 2nd favourite FF song ever. This is filled with high amounts of energy to give extra determination to the situation. Basically the same notation from Underground Activities. Plays throughout Home, Sinspawn Gui, and the battles on Lake Macalania. Download this before any other mp3. Not from my site though. GamingForce. No URL, just search for it on Yahoo! Their music is legit to download.
11 Revealed Truth
Cutscene filler but a good one. The truth behind summoners.
12 Start
Airship theme. Good choice.
13 Wedding
Poor. Not much effort in this one and doesn't suit the situation.
14 Attack
Energy filled and perfect for the cutscene. Not many cutscene fillers are as good as this.
15 Tragedy
Can't remember.
16 I Can Fly
WARNING: Custcene filler.
17 The Path of Repentance
A track for Yuna's progress on the pilgrimage.
18 Song of Prayer - Bahamut
Song of Prayer. Lone young treble.
19 Time of Judgement
A powering up tune before Seymour Natus.
20 My father's Murderer
Aftermath of the battle.
21 Isn't it Beautiful? (Suteki Da Ne)
Don't get me started on cheesy tunes like this. Someone's got to do it. At least it's good at it's job.

Disc 4
01 Yuna's Determination
Theme tune for the Calm Lands. A relaxing break from battling. So you think.
02 Lulu's Theme
Character theme. Interesting this one. Another reminded of Edea from FFVII.
03 Brave Advancment
If you're going to max your stats, you'll really hate this one by the time you're done. If you're not it's a fresh tune. Monster Arena.
04 Song of Prayer - Bodyguard
Song of Prayer for Yojimbo. Lone bass.
05 The People of the North
A great theme for the Ronso. Experimented and it works.
06 Song of Prayer - Ronso Tribe
Song of Prayer sung by the Ronso Tribe on Mt. Gagazet. Bass and tenors.
07 Wandering Flame
The group resting outside Zanarkand. Déja vu.
08 Someday the Dream will End
A track that trys to provoke emotion while making your way to Zanarkand Dome over the promenade.
09 Song of Prayer - Yunalesca
Song of Prayer. Bass and tenor.
10 Challenge
Another great energy filled battle theme for Sinspawn Gui(2), Yunaleska, and Dark Bahamut. One of my top 5 faves.
11 To The End of the Abyss
Theme tune for Omega Dungeon. Like Thunder Plateau, doesn't suit the situation but works all the same.
12 Darkness
Played as a laid back power up for level B1 of Omega Dungeon.
13 Song of Prayer - Spira
Song of Prayer sung by he whole of Spira. Bass, tenor, and trebles.
14 The Deceased Laughter
The last talk with Seymour. Demonic and villain like.
15 Seymour Battle
Played for Seymour Omnis. Catchy and suits your final battle with him.
16 Song of Prayer - Anima
Song of Prayer. Lone bass.
17 Summoned Beast Battle
Quite an energetic tune but you can tell it's an end battle theme from the start onwards.
18 Decisive Battle
Played for the almighty, unimpressive Yu Yevon. That's right, the strange little Atari-style bug you find in "Space Invaders" is Yu Yevon, and he gets his own battle theme which is ok.
19 Ending Theme
Pick your cheese. Bring back "Staff Roll".
20 "Please Remember"
A few words said by the voice actor for JAP Yuna.
21 Isn't it Beautiful? (Suteki Da Ne) (Orchestral Version)
An orchestral version of the vocal theme for FFX.